Jun 29, 2007



I have become addicted to flash games.

I am going to start blogging about flash games.

Here is a sweet flash game to play that mashes up Mega Man and Ghosts 'n' Goblins. I belive that it is based on the Mega Man 3 Mega Man because he has the ability to slide, something not present in Mega Man or Mega Man 2. The boss is Arthur but I have not been able to reach him. I am actually really bad at this game.


Do you want to hear a sweet jam?

All Saints are a girl pop band from the U.K. I have never heard them before but check out this ultra keen Kissy Sell Out mix of one of their jams I nicked of off Good Weather for Airstrikes:
All Saints "Chick Fit (Kissy Sell Out's Excellent Adventure)"

Last week when I played that song at Ruff Gemz everyone started doing this crazy circle dance all at once. It was quite breathtaking. Speaking of Ruff Gemz, we have a very patriotic 4th of July celebration in the works and a total life-changing Glass Candy set later in the month.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketposter by kendra..buy her shirts!

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